So its been a while! I thought I had written about Estonia on my blog, but I guess not! I am probably not going to go into to much detail on Estonia, or Russia right now though. I kind of just want to update this thing on my LIFE!
So I got home from Russia on Dec. 20th. It was awesome because all of my nieces and nephews where there and I just love them! Kayla came to visit the week after Christmas, and that was so much fun! We went down to southern Utah and did a little hiking and then came back and basically just watched the office! But we had so much fun! I love that girl!
On Jan. 2nd. Kayla left to go back to Topeka, on Jan. 3rd David and Jessy moved to Cali, and on Jan. 4th Jesse left for the MTC to go serve a mission in Farmington New Mexico. I am now an only child. Do I love it? Probably not. I love being home with my parents, but I miss my sibling lots and lots!
I am currently working at D.L. Evans, and I LOVE my job! I love the people I work with, I love what I do, yes I just LOVE my job!
While I was in Russia I met a missionary named Elder Jenkins, he gets home in 12 days so I am planning a trip to Utah soon so that him, Selina, and I can have a little reunion! It should be GREAT! Also Elder Searle get home in 28 days. 28. I'm a little excited! :) :) :)!!!!
So I think that is my life in a nutshell!! I will hopefully write more soon. Hopefully about thoughts that I have, not just whats going on in my life! :)
-Hailey Dawn
1. I love this.
3. I'm losing my mind with school. I just need to make it through this semester.
4. Don't worry. I've still got whatever it is that made me say "That's how I get dem boyes"
5. I love you.