Life Love Laughter

Life Love Laughter

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunshine and Summer time

Dear Mr. Sun,

I would just like to let you know that I have really really enjoyed you these past couple of days. You have brightened my day and darkened my skin, and it has been just wonderfull!!! Being able to take Ju Ju outside has just made him so happy, he absolutly loves it! Also you have made riding my bike so much more enjoyable as well! Right now it is in the shop, but as soon as it gets out I don't think I will ever drive again! Also the way you make things green is so beautifull!!! I love seeing you up in the sky and feeling your warmth! I guess what I'm saying is thank you so much for just being truely AMAZING! : D

Your not so secret lover!!

WELP! Thats about the story of my life right about now!!! Its been so long and I feel so bad... Like I  have been neglecting my blog or somthing! :) Sooo my bike is in the shop and I am missing it terribly!!! The weather has  been so nice that I hate getting in my car to go to work! Also my computer wont charge... So I have been sort of computerless at home :) Fabulous I know right?!!?

So in about the past month I have been to three VERY beautifull wedding!!! Loved everyone of them!!! I was a bridesmaid for Andrea's and that was so much fun!!! All of us bridesmaids learned the thriller dance and did the dance for Andrea at the reception. And taking pictures was just a BLAST!!! It was such a beautilfull day!!! The wedding was on the river and it was just beautiful!! And Andrea looked absolutly GORGEOUS!!! Her dress... Her hair... Her flowers.... EVERYTHING!!! It was just awesome!

A week later was Kailey's wedding!!! Also Beautifull!!! I was a little lost at first because I got off work a little late and I couldn't find anyone at the temple... and the luncheon did start till two so I just wasn't so sure what to do! But I finally found the bride... and OH EM GEE!!! Her dress.... Her hair... Her hair piece.... Again EVERYTHING was absolutly beautiful!!!! And the luncheon was so fun!!! I was sitting my Brylee and Leslie (sp) and the famous Mike and Betsy.... we were laughing the whole time pretty much!!!

I love both of these girls VERY VERY much!!! They both had beautiful weddings and they both made the most beautiful brides!!! (well aside from when I get married of course! ;) kidding!!!) They also made excellent choices in men! :) They are and always will be my besties!!! :) :) :)

Also I have three friend getting married in August and one in July... and I am so happy for them as well... but I will up date on that in August and July! :)

Russia is coming along! I have more Documents to fill out, but I have been assigned to the Moscow School of Knowledge!!! :) :) I leave sometime between August 22-28 I'm not sure yet!! Its gettting CRAZY close and i'm getting CRAZY excited and nervous!!!! 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ding Dong Ding Dong!!!



Tomorrow my cousin and one of my best friends gets married.... What? Married? weren't we in high school yesterday?.... ok so yesterday was three years ago.... BUT still.

I'm super Happy for her!!! and I'm so excited!!! I get to be a bridesmaid that that is also very exciting!! :) :) :)

Also, My other cousin close to my age got married a few weeks ago... and my other best friend is getting married in a week!!! Its like its the thing to do or somthing?!?! Say what?

I'm so happy for all of them... And I will post more about the wedding and pics later!!! :) :)


Last weekend I was able to go home. It wasn't a usual trip to Burley for several reasons. 1) It was my little brothers graduation party 2) It was my mothers birthday 3) SOOOOO many family members came into town 4) I got to spend the weekend with my niece and nephews!!! 5)it was memorial day so I didn't have to work!

an AMAZING weekend!!! Madi Jack and Jonah LOVED hanging out with Ju Ju!!! Jonah (my sweet 2 year old!) would yell "Wizzard! Me hold!" LOVED IT!!! :)

My little brother GRADUATED from HIGH school!!! AHHH What!?!?! when did he get to be so big? Love him!!! Also... His graduating class did a flash mob!! just like the one the black eyed peas did for Oprah in Chicago!!! It was AWESOME!!! :) :) :)

So I found out that I have been assigned to teach In Moscow :) Mockva!!! I'm so excited... yet slightly terrified!!! :) :) :)  I leave the end of August!!! :)

Thats pretty much life right now.... I need to up load pictures from life... Soon Soon Soon!! :)

Burley High School Graduation 2011