These are theDAY'Sof OurLIVES.
From thePEOPLEwe meet and thePLACESwe see, we can neverKNOWeverything, weCANonly keepLEARNING.
So manyTHINGShave happened.
I was"FREE"from the bubble that is BYU-I.
At first I didn'tLOVEit. Even nowLOVEmight not be theWORDi would choose to describe how iFEELabout Logan.
It took me aLONGtime to get used to thisMAKINGmy ownCHOICESthing. This wholeSTANDINGup forWHOyou are andWHOyou want toBE. I made some not soGOODdecision. I wasEXTREMELYun-HAPPY. iHATEDmyself. but then I took aSTEPor five back,LOOKEDat reality andLEARNEDthat this is what |_!|=3 is about.FALLINGso you canSTANDeven taller.
I'm not aBADperson. I have made my fair share ofMISTAKESbut I'm completelyNORMAL.nobody isPERFECTand we weren't meant to be. this whole making myOWNchoices thing isHELPINGme become who iWANTto be.
iLIKElogan. iLOVEthe people I have met and have gotten toKNOW.i love theEXPERIENCESi have had. I love how much I haveLEARNED.i love how much I have GROWN.
Maybe I amSTRONGERthan I think. I love the BYU-I bubble because it simplified life.
I had a strongSUPPORTgroup, friends with theSAMEvalues, aGREATlearning environment,
|_!|=3 was just easy.
But |_!|=3 isn't suppose to logan is the newPERFECTright? :)
A Little PS to my readers: I still love Rexburg! so much! :)
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